Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Paper Dolls

O has enjoyed these fun Valentine's Day paper dolls that I printed on magnetic paper. Although, I admit that I was more excited about them than she was :) I'm looking forward to making more magnetic paper dolls for her soon. Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. That is so cute! I have not tried magnetic paper, cool. I just love the snow we got too! How did she like her crepe paper gifts?

    sippy cup mom

  2. Thanks for the link...I want to print them all! Where do you get magnetic paper?

  3. I am with Elizabeth. Where do you get magnetic paper that can run through the printer

  4. Oh my gosh...what a cute idea! I'd never thought of this...but it's fantastic, and I can totally use this at preschool.

    (Are those Joan Walsh Anglund figures? Kinda look like it...but maybe not.)

    Awesome idea.

  5. I love magnetic paper! I can get some at my local Dollar Store. It's the best!

  6. This is so fun!! The girls will love it! The girls will love it. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Good Morning. Just found your website. Love hearing from other moms who homeschool and what is going on in your world. Signed up to follow. Can't wait to read more.
