Sunday, April 18, 2010

On the Mend

My finger is finally healing! The stitches didn't work, and my stepsister who is a wound care specialist recommended against using glue. She did an ultrasound mist treatment on my wound, and I've kept it wrapped and splinted. It has healed amazingly fast since the ultrasound mist treatment. I'm hoping that I may be able to take the splint off within a few days. It's not easy to take care of these kiddos with only one good hand :) Here's a picture if you dare to scroll down...

Don't use a knife to pit an avocado!!!


  1. OMG! *faints* Fell better soon!!!!!!!!

  2. Feel better soon (not fell)!!!

  3. Oooch, that looks very painfuL!

  4. Yes, it does LOOK very painful, but it's all! It doesn't make any sense, but it hurt much worse to have my rings taken off when I was pregnant than it did to cut my finger to the bone. I don't know if I'm lucky or tough or a little of both :)

  5. Oh goosh! Didn't know that it's so bad......

  6. 鄭凱仲念阿彌陀佛往生西方極樂世界April 19, 2010 at 8:54 AM

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  7. OUCH!!!! You poor thing!! Feel better soon!!!

  8. Goodness gracious! I would have thought that an avocado-pitting injury would have occurred across the palm of your hand--that's sure where I'm always in danger of slicing myself to the bone whenever I'm pitting an avocado!

    My little Willow has a gross, disgusting wound, too--she had to have surgery to clean and drain an infected lymph node, and incisions on the neck? They apparently leave them OPEN to heal. Nice...

  9. OH MY GOODNESS! I hope it gets better soon. WOW. I did that one with a rotary cutter. I almost cut off the tip of my pointer finger.

  10. Feel better soon. Thank you for sharing. A very good reminder to be safe. I sliced my finger (not bad) the other day while I was in a hurry. This helps to remind me to slow down. I hope it heals completely soon. Rest as you can (I know, easier said than done with two :)

  11. Not a fun place for a wound! It's actually pretty easy to pit an avocado with a knife, cut the avocado in half, then drive the butt of the knife - not the tip - into the pit and twist. To get the pit off, just pinch the blade just behind the pit and that pushes it right off! It's hard to explain with words. I wonder if there's a youtube video...
