Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pumpkin Pie Playdough

Making pumpkin pie playdough is one of our Halloween traditions. (see here and here for the recipe) We were excited to include E when we made it this year. 

O loved mixing the ingredients together with her hands.

It was especially fun to mix in the colors (a fun lesson on mixing red and yellow to make orange) and pumpkin pie spice. 

E stood nearby in the Kitchen Helper.  She loves to be in the Kitchen Helper when we are in the kitchen.  I've kept it on the lowest level since she likes to climb in and out of it by herself.  She LOVED smelling (and tasting!) the pumpkin pie spice container while we were making the playdough.

While I was stirring the playdough on the stove, O mixed the colors from our water xylophone.  This was another fun lesson on mixing primary colors to form secondary colors. 

It's so much fun to knead the warm dough.

Then the playdough cookie making began!


  1. Thanks for the inspiration this morning! I was going to make orange pumpkin play dough for my daughter, but she wanted pink. :) So, we made pink play dough, she can mix in the black glitter I got out anyway!

  2. What a pretty orange. We've been doing a lot of color-mixing lately, and we're in need of new playdough, so I think we'll make some of this too.

  3. We are sooooo doing this tomorrow!!!! Thank you for the wonderful ideas!!

  4. Love the water xylophone! Great idea to use the bottles! Thanks for sharing! Kerri

  5. Mmm, Yumm how fun!
    Thanks for sharing. I really love the color.


  6. hmmm should make some of this for ebi-kun
    you have been featured on The Montessori Goldmine!

  7. I loved finding this post from 2010! I featured your post and photo in my Montessori-Inspired Fall Playdough Activities at
