Friday, January 7, 2011


E started playing with this box when my mom and I were sewing before Christmas.  It's open at both ends, but she was determined to put Kapla blocks in it.  I heard her whining and fussing to herself as she put each block in and it went out the other side.  (I was glad the camera was nearby!)  She brought the box and blocks to me, and she looked shocked when I couldn't get the blocks to stay in the box either.  Then she stood the box on one end on the floor, and she was finally successful!  She was briefly satisfied before the box fell over.  Poor baby.


  1. What do you do to keep a straight face in these heartbreakingly cute situations? :-))

  2. Sorry to comment twice--but I noticed you've had a couple of posts about O's cute o-bento, which reminded me that I've been meaning to put up some o-bento posts myself. Done! Photos and video showing how to make Rabbit Apples for a Real Thing Japanese O-Bento:-)) My way of saying Thanks! for sharing all your wonderful ideas (we made the chocolate spoons for Christmas--delicious and super fun! Arigatou!:-))

  3. Love her determination and perseverance. She was successful in finding a temporary solution :)

  4. I love how she stuck with it and really tried to make it work.

  5. Aww...poor thing.
    On another topic. I see that you have a bilibo in the background of that picture. My sister-in-law got one for my soon to be one year old for his birthday next week and I'm wondering if we'll really use it.
    Do you like yours?

  6. It's so hard to not laugh when they are so frustrated! YOU know why they are frustrated, but they just can't figure it out yet!

    Tooo cute!
