Sunday, January 9, 2011

O's Book Journal

O started coloring and drawing pictures in a journal as I read to her at night a few months ago.  She LOVES this activity, and I love to see her intense concentration as she draws.  Most of her drawings are quite abstract, and it is fun to listen to her explanations of the different things she draws. 

After I finish reading the book and O finishes drawing, I ask questions about the story.  I write the questions and answers in the journal.  I usually have a sleeping and/or nursing baby in my arms while I am writing, so my handwriting is especially terrible despite my best intentions to write neatly. 

I try to write her answers exactly as she says them.  After reading Little Red Riding Hood, she took the journal and edited my "d."  She insisted that it be a capital D...silly girl.  I love how she said that the story was "too afraidy."


  1. What a fabulous idea!!! I love this!

  2. I love this idea, what a great way to record memories of favorite (and not so favorite) books - this is something I would save for my daughter as a keepsake for sure!

  3. Somethign i am going to do with my #2 wish i had thought of this with my #1

  4. Okay I love that. darling idea. Thanks!

  5. So cute! What a great exercise to do after reading. Her teachers will thank you!

  6. That is a lovely idea! I love to ask ?s so why not document and find a way to keep her attention throughout longer books!

  7. Thanks for all of the comments!
    Amanda- Hopefully, I will be her teacher starting in 1st grade!

    Kelsey- We read LOTS of chapter books...we've just finished the entire Little House series, and she drew during a couple of the chapters. I just didn't take pics of those pages. We usually read a couple of board books for E, a short book or story, and then a couple of chapters each night. We all love to read!
