Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snowed/Iced In!

We don't have snow very often, so when we do, we are very excited, but not very prepared.  We took the kids out in empty laundry baskets and with cookie sheets for sledding.

School has been canceled for the past 2 days, so we've just been hanging out at my mom's house.  Today, my niece, O, and my mom had lots of fun cutting snowflakes and decorating doll and snowman paper chains. 

They taped all of their decorations on the front door for everyone to see.  They were very proud!


Poor O started running a fever shortly after they finished the crafts.  Poor baby.  She feels rotten, but I'm hoping she'll feel much better tomorrow. 


  1. The giraffe coat! I still have our Giraffe coat and Lion coat, even though sleeves are elbow length on my daughter now...ah--nostalgic!

    Laundry basket--*so* clever!

    Get well soon, O! :-((

  2. Laughed out loud at the laundry basket! Too funny but so much fun! Kerri

  3. Hello,

    I used to read your blog every day and I love it! Thank you!

    Juste a short comment to say that the giraff coat is so cut and funny! :)

  4. Love that giraffe outfit. Too cute! Looks like a fun day (aside from the fever).

  5. I always admire the simple brilliance of the activities and toys you come up with! Laundry basket is a perfect idea.

  6. I love the laundry basket sled! :)

  7. Love the snowman train. Hope the fever passes soon and doesn't turn into anything too bad.
