Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Transferring Crayons

While the big girls were making their snowflake and paper chain crafts, E was busy grabbing crayons and scissors and running off with them.  She REALLY needed an activity!  I gave her the container of crayons and an empty container and told her to fill up the empty container with crayons.  She was delighted and got right to work! 

After she worked for a while, I realized that the crayons would fit perfectly in the container that she puts q-tips in.  She loved putting crayons in the container! 

This activity was so thrilling for her because I don't usually let her have crayons...she likes to bite them, and she's sneaky about it.  I watched her closely, and she wasn't putting the crayons anywhere near her mouth.  I looked away, but noticed her sitting quietly with her hands in her lap staring at me with a sweet smirk on her face.  I knew immediately that she must have eaten a crayon...sure enough, there was a little chunk of an orange crayon in her mouth.  I can't take my eyes off of this girl for a second!   However, I LOVE how she looks at me with that sweet little expression and waits for me to realize what she has done.


  1. haha how funny! she was just waiting for you thinking "mommy guess what i did?!" my little one's a sneaky little critter too!

  2. Ha! My little one is almost the same with's this moment of silence when I realize she must be gnawing on one. I'll see if she would like to put them inside another container yet.

  3. Adorable! What is it with second children and putting stuff in their mouths? My middle one was *exactly* like that--heck, he put stuff in his mouth 'til he was 5, I swear. And he looks at me just exactly like that--infuriating, but *so* cute!

  4. Hi!

    I am offering a giveaway for Montessori Training with Manuals a $240 Value! We'd love for you to stop by and see what is all about and perhaps invite your readers to participate:

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  5. I really LOVE your ideas ! Thanks for sharing. :-)
    An award here if you want it :

  6. Little one just wanted to have a job, and you thought on your feet :)

    So fun and all with the hand. Thank you for sharing this sweet moment.

  7. I love the this version of the activity. We have a similar one in our curriculum and everyone loves it. :)
