Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Candy & Cereal Bracelets

One of the activities in O and E's February Box of Fun was making candy and cereal bracelets.  I put a ziploc bag with fruity cheerios and twizzlers (pull and peel) in the box.  O was VERY excited when she saw it since she had never even seen "color" cheerios or pull and peel twizzlers. 

O and I had a lot of fun making (and eating!) our bracelets! 

Other activities included in the box of fun were Valentine's day cards to color, heart doilies, a blank canvas to paint, twisty straws, a mini sticker book, a felt board activity, and heart headbands.


  1. This is a great idea! I'm going to have to do this with my daughter.

  2. I LOVE that you used Twizzlers for the bracelet! My son and I made a necklace out of Cheerios recently for the 100th day of preschool, and he really enjoyed it. This is such an easy little project!

  3. We have made cereal bracelets with pipe cleaners, but I love the idea of using Twizzlers. We'll use those the next time. Thanks!
