Monday, March 28, 2011

Mommy Brain

I had a ridiculous, but hilarious case of mommy brain last week, and I thought you might enjoy this story... (copied and pasted from my facebook page)

I put a dress on E (1) this morning and was feeling nostalgic. I thought "It seems like just yesterday when O(4) was wearing this dress" and "It seems like I just packed it away for O(4), and now E(1) is wearing it." When we were walking to the car to get O(4) from school, I noticed that the dress was VERY long on E(1). I checked the's a 4T. O(4) wore it last week.

So, what's your funniest mommy brain story?


  1. That's awesome! I totally laughed out loud when I read it.

  2. My moments are small but frequent like catching myself trying to put the milk top on the sippy cup or the sippy cup top on the milk jug.

  3. This morning I used a kitchen towel to clean up some spilled soil in my house. I apparently put the kitchen towel back in the kitchen (rather than in the laundry room) because later I grabbed the same one and spilled soil everywhere again!

  4. Just this morning I was running around the house looking for my watch, that I know my 1 year old was holding... only to realize after a few minutes it was already on my wrist. Duh... winning!

  5. The other day I was running a bit late and ready to go, waiting on my daughter to get her stuff and come to the door. So I call out a bit impatient, "Come on Ashley it's time to go!" ..... Ashley is my name though! I guess she really is a mini me. :P

  6. Hahahahaha!!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Putting ice cream in the fridge or going to the grocery store for milk and coming back with everything but milk are my common things. I also call my daughter my sisters name all the time and talk to my husband like he is a little kid saying things like, "use your words." When he mumbles at me.

  8. Love this funny and something we have all done at one point as busy moms. tonight I put my 2 year olds Pj's on my 4 year old and could not figure out why they were so tight. I said to my husband that I think S has had a growth spurt. Then I looked at tags...

  9. Today I drove to the pediatrician's office. When I got to the road the office is on I realized I was supposed to be at the pediatric dentist not the pediatrician! Oops! At least I didn't sign in.
