Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Beginner Pattern Blocks

E(1) loves her Melissa & Doug Beginner Pattern Blocks.

She has a difficult time getting the shapes into the correct places, but she keeps trying and is learning to complete difficult activities without getting frustrated.

These pattern blocks are a great way to practice shapes and colors, too! I love to watch O(4) help E complete the puzzles...sisterly love :)

(Just so you know...links to Amazon.com are affiliate links!)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. HI there... I got the same game at an open market in France about 2 years ago when on holidays. The children in my preschool here in Ireland have had so much fun with them ( the smaller ones!). They love the colurs, the pictures and the feel of it. Glad your little angels will enjoy it too now.

  3. My daughter just turned 3 and loves these! They are on Herr work shelf in our home classroom. They are a great activity for little ones!

  4. They had these on clearance at Michael's last week & I am so glad I grabbed a box. My 18 month old loves them! Although really she just moves the pieces around & stacks them, but it's still "work" for her.
