Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March's Box of Fun

Our March Box of Fun was full of books to read and activities to do while we were on the road. We spent the first week and a half of March at Disneyworld (Elliott had a business trip in Orlando), so we had a long way to travel.

E(1) was the most excited about the personalized magnetic paper dolls (I had to watch her closely, so she wouldn't tear them). The girls have these paper dolls printed on cardstock, and I printed them on magnetic paper for our road trip.

O(4) had fun making bookmarks with this bookmark kit from the Target dollar section. I also included free books from Cheerios boxes...I love those books, especially since they are bilingual (Spanish/English)!

O was the most excited about the Samantha book (found at the Dollar Store a couple of years ago).

Fun stuff! Now I need to get to work on April's Box of Fun! Btw, every time I refer to these boxes as a "box of fun" O corrects me and says "It's not a box of fun. It's a box of activities!" Love her!

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