Thursday, May 26, 2011

E's Art Shelf

E(1) LOVES to "daw" (draw)! When she sees her big sister drawing, she says "daw, too!" Lately, she's been saying "daw somethin." Since she is so interested in drawing, I decided that she needed her very own art shelf.

We have 2 shelves from Pottery Barn (outlet) in our kitchen. O(4)'s art shelf is on the 2nd from the bottom shelf of one, and now E has her art shelf on the bottom shelf of the other.

I taped a large piece of paper to the bottom shelf and put a jar full of crayons beside it. Both girls were thrilled to see this when they woke up on Wednesday morning. O saw it first and said "E, look, look! Your own art shelf!"

I love how simple this was to put together and how perfect it is for my sweet girl!


  1. I love that you put the crayons in a candy jar, I might have to copy that. It has that cuteness factor and since it is glass they can see what color they want to grab next. Much nicer than just having them in a pencil box.

  2. Clever! I have very similar shelves (from Crate and Barrel Outlet) and never thought to use them as a little table, great idea!

  3. love this post! thanks for the ideas!

  4. This is such a great way to get 'em started young with drawing and writing. I featured it in my round up of clever art center ideas today. You can check it out here:

  5. i, too, have the same shelves - actually in my 2 yo's room - never considered using the bottom for a drawing table - thanks for sharing! :)

  6. Does E eat them? I have a one year old who does she wants to draw but it always ends up in her mouth. Any suggestions?
