Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Learning to Pour Water

E(1) loves this tiny little teapot and teacup that I put on her work shelf. I put the teapot (filled with water), a teacup, and a sponge on a small tray and put it on the bottom shelf. E was excited to see something new, and O was excited to see something old!

After E poured the water, she quickly drank it and wanted more. O used to do the same thing over and over and over again when she was E's age. What fun!


  1. Nice... would like to start that on my nephew too. He is 2yrs+.

  2. Glad to see your pics...I've always done this on a wooden tray. Now I'll switch it to my plastic trays. ;o)

  3. funny to see your posts about e learning the things that you used to post about o learning! they are both getting so big!

  4. I found the pot and teacup at the thrift store for about 50 cents! :)
    Amy- They are getting so big! I keep telling them to slow down, but they won't.

  5. What a great activity!
