Saturday, June 11, 2011

Easy Microwaved Eggs

I have a confession to make...I rarely cook a hot breakfast for my children. I prefer serving them cereal and milk, yogurt,boiled eggs, and fruit. Occasionally, we'll have oatmeal. Sometimes, I feel guilty about this, but most of the times I'm ok with it :)

However, when a friend mentioned microwaved eggs a couple of weeks ago, it reminded me of making microwaved eggs for breakfast years ago in my "before kids" days. Since my girls LOVE eggs, I decided to try microwaved eggs this morning.

I poured olive oil in a microwave safe bowl and swirled it around to cover the sides and bottom of the bowl. I cracked 2 eggs into the bowl and mixed them around with a fork. Then, I microwaved them in 30 second intervals. I think I microwaved the eggs for a total of about 1 minute and 45 seconds...the last interval was only 15 seconds. Once they were cooked thoroughly (not runny at all), I cut the eggs into pieces and served them to my girls.

E(1) was THRILLED! She squealed and shouted "eggs!" when she saw her plate. O(4) liked the eggs, but she said that "daddy's scrambled eggs are better because he cooks them with milk." Maybe, I'll put a dash of milk into our microwaved eggs next time :)


  1. I'm not the only one who rarely makes a hot breakfast :) It sure seems like a treat to them when I do. I'll have to try eggs this way. Thanks!

  2. LOVE this!!! I think I avoided making eggs because I hated the clean up! This is so quick & easy! Thanks for the tip!

  3. Looks yummy! Did cooking them in 30 second intervals keep them from exploding? Every time I cook eggs in the microwave, they blow up...even cooking them in short bursts and making sure they are mixed up. Glad it worked for you. :)

  4. We do a hot breakfast once a week, on a good week. We, as a family, like cereal. To me the most important part is that we get a balanced meal and that we get to eat it together. After seeing that delicious breakfast you served, I wouldn't ever feel guilty about not serving a hot breakfast!

  5. Jennifer- I hate the clean-up, too! We don't have non stick pans, and it's no fun to scrape the eggs from the pan.

    Amber- The intervals do keep the eggs from exploding! I exploded many eggs when I used to make microwaved eggs years ago, but checking them often prevents that and keeps your microwave clean :)

  6. I have enjoyed these kind of eggs for years. When I want to get real creative, I put bacon bits and shredded cheese in the eggs that I do mix with milk. Then when they are done I put them in a sliced bagel.

  7. Great idea, Beth! Maybe O will like them better if I add in a little cheese :)

  8. I do this too and if you use a small bowl, you can do sandwhich sized ones. My daughters don't like them cooked on the stove any more because they tend to have parts that are a little "burned". I haven't tried oiling the bowl. maybe that will make it easier to clean.

  9. I make my husband's egg sandwich every morning this way. (He doesn't have a lot of time in the morning so he eats it on his way to work.) He likes it with a tablespoon or so of cream cheese mixed in when you "whisk" the eggs up. It make the eggs creamier not as dry. Love your blog!

  10. We love eggs here and I cook them in the microwave all of the time. I have found that if I use my 4 cup pyrex measuring bowl to mix the eggs together with a wisk so that they are all the same color of yellow, add milk and then cook one minute per egg they come out in a perfect round shape for toast. When they are finished, I add shredded cheese on top and let it melt. Super easy to make and clean up and Amelia loves them.
