Friday, June 10, 2011

Chasing Cheerios is on Facebook!

I've finally created a Chasing Cheerios facebook page! There's not much on there, but come on over and "like" me! I've seen links to fb pages on blogs, but I have no idea how to add it to my blog...if you know how to do this, please tell me!

Here's the link.


  1. I joined Networked blogs and doing that makes your blog post appear automatically on FB. I don't know how else to do it aside from just entering the link yourself on the page.


  3. I'm thrilled! I enjoy your blog so much, every second post of my fledgling blog links to my inspiration found here. It is great to get updates through facebook too :)

  4. I believe when I created my blog's Facebook page, there was an option to place a widget for it on my blog. Look for it under the edit page section.

  5. Yeah. You can click "Edit" (under your picture) and it opens up a new page. Where it says "Username" there's a "learn More" link that takes you to a searchable help section. Search for "widget"

    FYI - if you do the Networked blogs app (in FB,) you can have it post to YOUR FB page, your BLOG's FB page and your/your blog's Twitter account whenever you publish a post.
