Friday, June 10, 2011

Toothpicks and a Shaker

My little purple fairy (E) loves to put toothpicks in this parmesan cheese shaker (bought from the Dollar Tree).

I gave her the shaker and a small glass filled with toothpicks. I showed her how to pick up one toothpick at a time and drop it into the shaker. When it was her turn, she picked up several toothpicks at a time and then ended up dropping them. She learned that it worked much better to only pick up one at a time. She was very engaged in this task and thorougly enjoyed it. O(4) saw her working and has gotten this work off of E(1)'s shelf several times to do it herself :)


  1. Freakin' brilliant. I assume this is great for fine motor development?

  2. Try spaghetti noodles instead of toothpicks, they are safer. ; )

  3. I was doing this earlier with my 3yo and we used coffee stirrer straws (huge bag from dollar store).

  4. The toddler I nanny loves this activity. I will have to look for coffee stirrer straws. Though she does do good with toothpicks.

  5. i love this activity but i like to use coffee stirrers instead of toothpicks - just as inexpensive but safer and less likely to break (and better if a student decides they want to stick it in their mouth)
