Sunday, July 10, 2011

Another Cultural Exchange Post

I've had several people email me who requested groups of 12, and only received an email for a group of 6. If you requested a group of 12, and did not get that, please let me know ASAP. I'm creating one last group...Group 29!

I'm amazed by how this exchange has grown from me hoping to find 12 people to exchange packages with me into having 28 groups of people exchanging packages around the world! Very cool!

Thanks for all of the excitement! It was a little time consuming to sort and divide the groups, and I definitely made some mistakes, but I really enjoyed setting this up. I've learned a few things, and I think it will be easier next time! Yes, there will be a next time (several of you have asked).

I'd love to do a "Christmas Around the World" exchange and have our kids send & receive Christmas cards from around the world...maybe in groups of about 15. I also think an international postcard exchange would be fun as well as a 50 States postcard exchange. So many ideas, so little time :)


  1. This is a great idea. But it will need to be organised in October if possible (or sooner). I don't know about other countries but New Zealand has a deadline of 11 November for International Post to arrive before Christmas.

  2. We're not part of your group (which seems incredibly cool but my daughter is a little young (and I'm a little lazy)). But if you decide to do a 50 States postcard exchange my daughter and I can offer Washington DC (where we're living now until early 2012) and Idaho (our permanent home). As a veteran postcard exchanger I've learned they're rare gems in the 50 State collection.

    Wonderful blog, BTW!

  3. I would absolutely participate in a postcards from the 50 states, and even an International Christmas card exchange, although I live in the I know those spots will be limited :)

  4. 50 state Postcard exchange would be Awesome! I would be in!!!
    Phx, AZ

  5. I stumbled on to this idea very late (I've been neglecting reading my blogs for ... a while :)

    If you do decide to do a postcard exchange we would be happy to participate, but we'd really love to do an international holiday package exchange. Holler if you do decide to do it :)

  6. Hello!

    I 'm Marina, a mommy to two boys aged 1 and 3. I've read about cultural exchange and it has interested me a lot. I think my children would enjoy so much so I'm writting you to ask you how could we take part on this project. We are a family from Catalunya, Spain, and I think we have a lot to share. We follow attachment parenting, Montessori and Reggio Emilia educational methodology. Can we participate on the following cultural exchange you organize? How?
    I also have a blog but it is written in Catalan, one of the languages of Spain, I think you won't understand it but you can take a look to the photos!

