Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cultural Exchange Deadline- Last Week of September

A friend (who has organized swaps in the past) has given me the good advice of setting a deadline for everyone to send out the cultural exchange packages. Please send out your packages by the last week in September. Some of you are traveling and won't be able to do this, but just email your exchange partners and let them know. Please email your group members when you mail the packages, so they will be expecting them. Also, it would be great if you communicate with your group members via email before you send the packages. A lot of you are already doing that, and I'm loving reading the much excitement! :)


  1. That is a good idea! I did a postcard exchange, and I sent out a lot more postcards than I got back :( To be honest, I think they just forgot after so many weeks.

  2. Olá, sou do Brasil e passeando pela net encontrei seu blog e gostei muito, parabéns por ele. Já o coloquei na minha lista de blogs pois pretendo voltar mais vezes Tenha uma ótima semana.


  3. I love your blog! I think the cultural exchange is a great idea. I would have signed up but I learned about it too late in the game, and I'm from the U.S. :( Not sure if you had thought of this or, but some countries have restrictions on mailing currency (both paper money and coins) and other items in and out of the country. Here's a link to the U.S. Post Office website where this info is available, in case you're interested:
    Good luck!
