Monday, December 19, 2011

Candy Cane Playdough

Homemade playdough makes a wonderful gift, and the girls and I had fun making candy cane playdough for their friends and cousins.  E(2) and I mixed up a batch of vanilla scented playdough while O was at school.  When O(5) got home, we made a batch of peppermint playdough.  We all love playing with the fresh, warm dough. 

I put the jars of candy cane playdough in these gingerbread boxes along with a few cookie cutters.  What a fun and simple Christmas gift!  I hope the girls' friends and cousins love this gift as much as we do!

Here's a link to the post with our basic playdough recipe.  Here's a link to our playdough gift sets from 2010

The idea for putting the candy cane playdough in jars with alternating colors came from Pinterest.  However, I can't find the page that it orginated from...sorry about that.


  1. I love those little houses, it's very kid friendly, even after the play dough is gone. I can see my son using them for his little play people we have been collecting!

  2. We made Candy Cane Playdough this year for the kids friends. It was a big hit.

  3. What a wonderful Christmas gift!! Kids love Phaydoh, Im sure it ill be a big hit! Thanks so much for sharing. Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas!

    Mama Of Many Blessings

  4. what a sweet idea. Ill def be making playdough jar presents later on in the year :)
