Monday, February 4, 2013

Initial consonants work

Here is the box for the initial consonants work that I wrote about a few days ago. This activity is leftover from my mom's teaching days, and I have no idea where it came from. Hope this helps all if you who have asked about it!!!


  1. I love activities that give children opportunities to "self check" and work independently. Renee

  2. Since this game was out of print, I was considering making my own cards when I came across this teacher's resource.

    She also has ending sounds and vowel sounds versions.

  3. I had the same idea that if they weren't available it would not be too hard to make these yourself. Even a low tech version of printing a 4 x 6 pic, adding some labels and finger holes to both sides. I will let you know if I do this! My son is only turning 2 and it will be a little bit before he gets here, but its a good idea to try!
