Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday at Lakeside Homeschool

You can expect to see fairly frequent posts without too much wordiness since I recently learned to blog from my phone!  It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier and faster than before, so blogging is actually fun again!  However, I'm not very good at typing on my phone, and autocorrect just kills me (if I say something that makes absolutely no sense then you can assume that I have been autocorrected).

Now that I am (temporarily) on my desktop computer, I'll add captions for these photos.

The girls LOVE our world map, and we sing the continent song each morning while locating the continents on the map.  Lately, we have been focusing on Great Britain (since we've recently finished reading The Secret Garden), France (since we studied Picasso in January), Canada (since we are reading the Caroline American Girl books), and Russia (since we are studying Tchaiovsky this month).
Our smartglobe is also used frequently by the girls.  They love to listen to the national anthems of the different countries.

O has recently become interested in the knobless cylinders (they came from Montessori Outlet, I think).

Both girls love these blocks.  They came from Lakeshore (I think).

Inchimals are always fun!  E was putting them in order and having lots of fun doing it!

Toob animals are always a hit with E!  These animals are from our South America bin.


  1. I love your blog and have followed for years, though I have been a bit too busy lately. Can I ask where the cylinders with activity sheets and those shape blocks can be purchased? Thank you!

  2. Hi Melissa. I really like what you do with your daughters, all kinds of activities are amazing and you inspire me so much. I'd like to ask about your world map, where it is from? Thanks.

  3. Hi there! Love all the ideas! Can you tell me where that awesome map came from? I want one just like it for our homeschooling!
