We read 2 Rudolph books as our advent books one day last week, and the girls enjoyed both of them.
After we read our books, the girls and I made several Rudolph ornaments. These thumbprint Rudolph ornaments were the so easy to make and turned out so cute!

To make these ornaments, I painted the girls' thumbs brown and pressed them onto these small glass ball ornaments. After they dried, I drew in the antlers, eyes, and nose with sharpie markers. I wrote the girls' names and the year on the back of the ornaments.
The idea for this ornament came from
here via Pinterest.
We did these too and I was thrilled with the way they turned out. :) I did both my kids on the same ornament for everyone but my daughter's teachers, and did one with just her for them. I think they'll make great gifts for grandparents and aunts and uncles.