I love the "
Year of Dates" on Let's Explore! Since we've been trying to have more one-on-one time with the girls, these "
date" printables are perfect!
On New Year's Day we told the girls that they would be getting cards in the mail telling them about dates with mama, daddy, or both of us. So far, they've had 3 movie dates with both of us (family movie night is SO much more exciting when they get a letter in the mail telling them about it), and one individual "date" each.
Here are the ideas for our dates:
watch a movie
go out for ice-cream (we did this after O(5)'s ballet practice...she's an inchworm in The Little Mermaid ballet!)
go shopping to pick out a small toy (this just happened by chance when we went to get groceries after getting ice-cream...neither O(5) nor I could resist the teeny, tiny half price teacup piglets)
go out to eat at a restaurant of your choice
go for a woods walk
go fishing
bake cookies (E(2) and daddy did this one today!)
drive daddy's remote control truck with him
go for a kayak ride
make a craft
Hopefully, we'll have at least one individual date per girl each month. The girls have been thrilled to find the envelopes for their dates in their
mailbox. There's always lots of squealing and excitement when they find mail in their mailbox :)