Chasing Cheerios

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Playing in the Rain

We planned to spend Tuesday morning on the beach since O(4) and I have Spring Break this week, but it rained all day. After hanging out in the house for a while, O asked if she and E could put on their boots and play in the rain. I've let them jump in puddles several times, but I've never let them actually go outside while it's raining to play. However, it was not thundering or lightening, so out we went!

The girls had a fantastic time running around, dancing, and singing in the rain..."If all the raindrops were butterscotch and gumdrops, Oh what a rain that would be..." They spent some time standing in a puddle and exploring all around the puddle. Then we went to our front yard and played on the swingset and slide for a while. It was so much fun, and I'm sure they'll be begging to go out and play next time it rains (we are VERY strict about going inside the minute we hear thunder, and I emphasized to the girls that we were only outside in the rain because there was no thunder or lightening).


  1. I let my girls run out in the rain yesterday too. We also were going to got the beach to explore, but the cold and the rain put an end to that! :) It looks like they had fun!

  2. ~*Cheers*~... we teach our boys to play in the rain

  3. We have rain gear especially for rainy days. We simply do not stay inside! So nice to see your girls enjoying it too!
