Chasing Cheerios

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Felt Food and O's Play Kitchen

We gave O a kitchen for her birthday last night, and she LOVES it. Elliott and I bought the kitchen in February, and its been in a box in our garage ever since. We were very tempted to give it to her when we bought it, but luckily we resisted the temptation :) My mom and I have been making felt food off and on for the past few months to go with the kitchen set.
bell pepper slices, sweet potato chips, and carrot slices
a tomato slice, red sauce (under the tomato), and lettuce
fried eggs (I think this is my favorite piece!)
O cooked fried eggs for me this morning, and I asked her to make me a sandwich. This is what she brought me- an egg and goldfish sandwich :)
whole wheat bow tie pasta
whole wheat ravioli
pea pods- I made the stuffing into tight little balls so it feels like peas inside the pea pods
sugar cookies and chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven. Every time O opens the oven she says "stay back, mama! hot!"
This is another favorite of mine. Tiny goldfish to go with a tiny goldfish cracker box. I'm also working on different colored goldfish to go with a goldfish colors box.
I made a tiny cupcake with a #2 on the top, but its disappeared. I'll post a picture of it when I find it. Also, check out this fabulous felt food!


  1. love the bow tie pasta nad the goldfish!!!!

    save your boxes for her new kitchen!!!

    great kitchen!!!! i need to get or make my LO one!!!

  2. I absolutely LOVE this! By the way, I am now a subscriber to your blog because I find everything you do so inspiring! I'm copying so many ideas for my children! Thank you for blogging and sharing what you do!!!

  3. I love the felt food you've made! The bow tie pasta is adorable. :) I just might venture out myself to make some felt food to go with my son's Haba wooden food. Fun! Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. So, so cute! Especially the bowtie pasta! Love this!

  5. How cute! That is such a great idea!

  6. I'm a new subscriber to your blog. That's a dream kitchen for any kid, and great work with the felt food. Love the bowtie pasta!

  7. Everything looks great. The bowtie pasta and fried egg are my favorites. Can't wait to see them in person this weekend!

  8. felt. food. adorable!!!

  9. I love the kitchen and all the food you made. I especially love the bow-tie pasta and goldfish! Thanks for the link to my blog. I am looking forward to making more food soon.

  10. I want felt food!! I am officially jealous of Olivia's kitchen set up. Please come and make ours more like yours!!

  11. The felt food is beautiful! You could probably sell it on Ebay or Etsy!

  12. Thanks for all of the nice comments! The felt food was very easy to make, but it did take a while :)

  13. Hi there!! Where did you get that kitchen?!? My husband just bought plans for a playhouse for our daughters, and we have been looking at kitchens!! It is adorable!! Your felt food is too, btw!!

  14. Yes, please tell us where you got the kitchen. It's perfect... all I can seem to find is those two-sided plastic red and yellow affairs. (Which is fine if that's what you want, but I want one like O's!)

  15. I love those goldfish, what a great job you and your mom did on all the felt food!
    That is such a cute kitchen. We have bought quite a few kitchen accessories from Target too. That particular aisle is usually the only one in the toy department we walk down.;)

  16. What a great kitchen - do you mind letting us know where you got it? Thanks.

  17. The felt food is amazing. I love the goldfish. I'm hoping my 5 year old will still like to play with kitchen stuff so I can make him some. Thanks

  18. These felt food are really nice, I'm going to make some for my girl. :) thanks for the idea.

  19. I am so impressed! Now that you have practiced you can make some for the boys and their new sister for Christmas! :)

  20. Definitely, Becca! You better tell me now what you want me to make, so I can have it done by Christmas. I already have several homemade gifts in mind for your new little punkin :)

  21. Hi there - I just discovered your blog tonight - and love, LOVE your ideas! We bought the exact same kitched for our daughter's birthday in Jan from Target - last I checked, they still carry it [Moms who are interested on this post].

    But I never thought about the felt food! Awesome job - I have to get out some felt - wait, I don't think I've ever made anything with felt - I better go buy some just to do this! The pasta, goldfish and eggs are just yummy!

  22. I love stopping by! Your felt food is fantastic :) You've inspired me to get some of my felt out and start some for my daughter. I would have never thought of putting the goldfish in their little container like that. LOVE it!!!
    Can't wait to see what you share next *grin*

  23. I LOVE this!
    Now I'm going back to see what you did when she was a year, since my son is about a year behind.

  24. So cute! I love the pasta, it looks real! And those little goldfish are adorable.

    We have the same kitchen and all of our kids have really enjoyed it. It's such a perfect cute little kitchen!

    Thanks for the ideas.

  25. I love this soooo much so that I have decided to make my little girl felt food too! She will be 2 in May so she will love these!! Thanks so much for sharing all your creative ideas!

  26. that is fantastic! bethany sent me here, and i know why! i will make some for my kiddo. i've been wanting to get him some of that velcro food, but i think i can figure something out with felt.

    i made him a stove a while back:

    but i know he'd really enjoy a sink like the one you got. it looks like a great one!

  27. This is the cutest thing I think I've ever seen. Thank you for sharing!

    I did find the newer version of the kitchen at Target online. It's navy blue...and only $99!

  28. We have the same kitchen for our daughter and love it. The felt food is a fabulous way to freshen up the play. Thanks for sharing!
